I believe that activism is an exercise in conscience, so that we can work together and cultivate a more just and respectful society for diversity, honoring the dignity of all beings. There are several paths to this: art, education, political and social relationships, as well as our quest for a deeper understanding of the universe.
These are some proposals for activities that we can develop together, with different people and groups in schools, universities or on the street. Contact for more information.
I believe that activism is an exercise of conscience, so that we can work together and cultivate a more just and respectful society of diversity, honoring the dignity of all beings. There are several paths to this: art, education, political and social relations, as well as our search for a deeper understanding of the universe. These are some proposals for activities that we can develop together, with diverse people and groups in schools, universities or in the street. Contact us for more information.
(Daiara Tukano Activities Versão Portuguesa – download )
Indigenous peoples: diversity, struggle and contexts:
Chat about indigenous diversity in Brazil, its history and current contexts.
How many indigenous peoples are there, where do they live and what is their reality today?
We invite you to learn a little more about the current indigenous scenario to build alliances, and encourage the creation of strategies and actions that can contribute to the protection of nature, cultural diversity and human rights.
Human Rights Violations against Indigenous Peoples in Brazil:
Overview of the violation of indigenous rights in Brazil, presenting a brief history of indigenous policies and the violations presented in human rights reports. It addresses violations against individual and collective rights, as well as cultural rights, material and immaterial heritage and the omission of the state.B reviews the history of the Brazilian indigenous movement and its strategies for defending and building rights.
The indigenous issue in education: implementing Law 11.645/2008.
Lecture/workshop for educators. Education in human rights and a culture of peace. How is the indigenous person presented in primary, secondary and higher education? Fighting stereotypes in the classroom. Multidisciplinary and transversality of the indigenous issue in teaching. Indigenous references in education. Workshop for the creation of pedagogical material.
Indigenous thought: contemporary worldviews.
Lecture: Brief introduction to contemporary indigenous thinkers, writers, historians, philosophers and political figures. Discussion on epistemological paradigms, coloniality, decoloniality and countercoloniality. Indigenous people in universities; the right to memory and truth of indigenous peoples as a paradigm shift strategy, inside and outside the academy, for the construction of a culture of peace.
Indigenous cultures on the move: exchanges and cultural appropriation:
Debate on cultural appropriation as a colonial process. How to build respectful exchanges with indigenous peoples and communities? Indigenous protagonism and material and immaterial cultural heritage. Strategies of cultural resistance and strengthening of indigenous identity.
Contemporary indigenous art:
Conversation circle: Overview of contemporary indigenous artistic production: visual arts, music, poetry, literature and cinema. Art as militancy for cultural strengthening and the struggle for indigenous rights.
Visual arts show:
Exhibition of works by Daiara Tukano, paintings, drawings and photographs.
Conversation with the artist about her work, references and poetic process.
Urban interventions:
a) Artistic interventions in the city with videomapping projection of photos and live drawings.
b) Mural painting, graffiti art: with the participation of local collaborators.
Artistic experience:
Artivism for the defense of human rights and nature:
Aimed at visual artists, conversations and artistic exchanges, sharing of references on the current indigenous issue, in order to stimulate artistic creation engaged with the defense of the environment and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples.
Indigenous singing circle:
Presentation of Rádio Yandê, the first indigenous web-radio in Brazil; contemporary indigenous musical diversity and a brief presentation of traditional songs from several Brazilian indigenous peoples with audience participation.
Indigenous spiritualities: Ancestral wisdoms in contemporaneity in connection with the planet.
Conversation about the cultural diversity of indigenous spiritualities, spiritual empowerment, sacred medicines, indigenous philosophies and contemporary exchanges. Debate on neoshamanism and the challenges of globalization.
Cinedebate: indigenous struggle in Brazil.
Small exhibition of Brazilian films about the struggle of the Brazilian indigenous movement, followed by a debate.